Flashes of Time

Adventures in Street Photography

Street Photography in Guangzhou. A Walk down Jiaoyu Road

Another day simmering in the heatsink that is Guangzhou. I escaped to the protective shade of the trees at People’s Park. After cooling off for a bit I took out my camera and recorded a few old people singing and passing the time. I decided to head south on Jiaoyu (Education) Road for some street photography.

The street was very nondescript and under a lot of construction but I did manage to capture a few shot, albeit, nothing stellar. Regardless, I had a great time. It’s all about the process (and the delicious dumplings I sampled) at the end.

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To get the full vibe check out the video below.

Make sure to check out the YouTube Channel and more photos I took in other photowalks at my Street Photography Gallery.

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